
Resetting Bedtime Routines After the Holiday Buzz

Start Easing Into It Now

By Hillarie Frank, Sharing All Things Community and Family January 2, 2025

Resetting Bedtime Routines After the Holiday Buzz

The holidays are magical, but let’s face it—December’s late-night movie marathons, endless cookie baking, and festive gatherings can throw even the best bedtime routines into chaos. With the school bell ringing bright and early on that first Monday morning after Christmas break, getting back into a groove can feel daunting. But don’t worry! With a few simple strategies, you can ease the whole family back into a routine that ensures smiles (and not sleepy meltdowns) come Monday morning.

1. Start the Shift Early

If the kids have been enjoying later bedtimes, don’t wait until Sunday night to rein things in. A gradual approach works wonders. Aim to roll bedtime back by 15–30 minutes each night in the days leading up to the first day of school. This helps reset their internal clocks without the shock of a sudden change.

2. Create a Wind-Down Routine

Re-establishing a calming evening ritual can help signal to kids that it’s time to wind down. Think baths with lavender-scented bubbles, a favorite storybook, or soft music. Bonus points if you can sneak in some cuddles—no one’s complaining about extra snuggles after the holiday hustle.

3. Cut the Screens

We know—this one’s easier said than done. But swapping out screen time for a quiet activity like coloring or puzzles at least an hour before bed can help kids feel naturally sleepy. Plus, it’s a great way to spend quality time together.

4. Prep for Monday on Sunday

A smooth Monday morning starts with a prepared Sunday night. Lay out outfits, pack backpacks, and even plan breakfast the night before. Having these small details squared away can turn what might feel like a mad dash into a leisurely stroll out the door.

5. Make It Fun

Transforming bedtime into a game can work wonders with younger kids. Create a sticker chart for each night they stick to their new routine, with a fun reward at the end of the week. This turns a potentially challenging transition into a win-win for everyone.

6. Be Patient

Adjusting to a new routine takes time, and that’s okay! There might be a few hiccups along the way, but with consistency and a bit of humor, you’ll be back on track before you know it.

By prioritizing rest and creating a supportive environment, you can ensure that first school morning back feels less like a chore and more like an opportunity to start the new year on the right foot. After all, a rested family is a happy family—and isn’t that what the holidays are all about?